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6 - The North wind and the Sun

Hymbrylth te kei

Aiglisse iehain shai raersan usai hymbrylthar te kejar wa, deimen ufin wysm enstellmen dum kefyri ymur. Tin kruthmen nan theirmena aiglisse tatar i kefyr án e wysma inleigmen he nun. Hymbrylth zuifmen ulah zar keh i festi, ru tellun i wysm ajankiin, sifin zuifun i rylth, dum i kefyri; et akmen teliin nan paufmena ji zarmyad. Kejar umyr i gíst myamen ulah, te berkmen kúr lamm e kefyra ji wysm. Kmeh achsan hymbrylth nan frummena hain aiglisse kei.

The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first could make the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew with all his might, but the more he blew the tighter the traveller wrapped his cloak around him; and at last, the poor North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak. And so the North Wind had to admit that the Sun was stronger than he was

- Chinese folk tale

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