
[ > Anawanda ]

The Anawanda Reference Grammar

Introduction. Anawanda: a language and a people

Chapter 1. Phonology

  1. Vowels
  2. Consonants
  3. Stress
  4. Length and secondary stress

Chapter 2. Writing systems and transcription schemes

  1. Alphabets
  2. Practical adaptation
  3. Complete and simplified transcription

Chapther 3. Nouns

  1. Introduction
  2. Inflectional suffixes
  3. Sandhi
  4. Overview of case marking

Chapter 4. Pronouns

  1. Personal pronouns
  2. Deictic pronouns
  3. Interrogative pronouns

Chapter 5. Clitics

  1. Introduction
  2. Personal clitics
  3. Non-personal clitics

Chapter 6. Specifiers

  1. Adjectives
  2. Quantifiers
  3. Adverbs

Chapter 7. Verbs

  1. Finite verb forms
  2. Strong and weak conjugation
  3. Strong verbs
  4. Weak verbs
  5. Verb agreement
  6. Finite form suffixes
  7. Nominal verb forms
  8. Nominal form suffixes
  9. Auxiliary verbs

Chapter 8. Particles

  1. Adpositions (under review)
  2. Phrasal conjunctions (under review)
  3. Clausal conjunctions

Chapter 9. Clause constituents

  1. The verb and its arguments
  2. Cross-referencing clitics
  3. Complements

Chapter 10. Word order

  1. The first position
  2. Unmarked word order
  3. Topicalization and emphasis

Chapter 11. Embedded clauses

  1. Introduction
  2. Declarative clauses
  3. Relative clauses
  4. Subjunctive-hypothetical clauses

Chapter 12. Non-embedding constructions

  1. Modal verbs
  2. Infinitive clauses
  3. Correlative clauses